BioConnect Website

Creating clarity for complex security solutions


Working as the individual designer in collaboration with marketing specialists and internal stakeholders at BioConnect. I was responsible for UX, design, and Wordpress development.

BioConnect website mockup


BioConnect is a biometric security company producing hardware and software solutions for physical and digital spaces.

With such a complex product offering, BioConnect needed a website experience that spoke to its many security solutions, while maintaining an innovative, tech-focused aesthetic.

BioConnect Mobile app page

The problem

An ever-changing, highly customizable experience

Over the last several years, BioConnect has gone through massive internal growth, the development of new security products and solutions, several rebrands, and many iterations of its website. Because of the complexity of BioConnect’s ever-growing product offerings, to a variety of enterprises and end-users, delivering a simplified website was extremely challenging.

Not only was the website revamp a chance to improve the content and user experience, but it also was an opportunity to evolve the look and feel of the BioConnect brand. In researching our target audience, I learned that the edgy look of our last website was not speaking to them. Our clients come to us to secure critical areas within their enterprise, so, what would speak most to them was a brand that was reliable, secure, and trustworthy. Because of this,

BioConnect homepage


BioConnect had two main goals for the redesign:


Simplify UX

Make it easier for the user’s to find the solutions they need, quickly


Improve SEO and conversion

Increase use of search terms, provide many contact touchpoints, and improve contact form experience

BioConnect hardware page
BioConnect About page


Stakeholder collaboration and user pain points

To begin this process, I worked with key stakeholders across the company. My goal was to get everyone on the same page about the company and product USP and to understand what problems we were solving for our customers.

This exercise led us to the realization that the way we were highlighting our products by name was confusing our audience. This helped us understand that we needed to talk about our solutions in the context of the problems they are solving, rather than by an irrelevant indicator.

BioConnect hardware page

The solution

A clean, concise, visually engaging website with context

The website copy was also simplified and much of what we had on the old website we turned into whitepapers, brochures, and further reading as gated content. This strategy has proved very successful in not only establishing us as thought-leaders but also garnering new leads.


An easy-to-navigate experience to help customers solve their unique security challenges

This shift had tremendous success both internally and externally. It enabled the internal team to better understand how they could be a fit for many kinds of enterprises and end-users. Most importantly, it helped BioConnect's customers view them in the context of the security problem they were facing and how they could help them solve it.